Barili Campus Holds Week-long Intramural Games

After two years of hiatus from face-to-face activities, the CTU Barili Campus is again occupied with exhilaration as it welcomes its students to celebrate intramural games on October 24 – 28, 2022.

The week-long festivity anchored to the theme ‘Calibrating Sports, Culture, and the Arts in the New Normal’ opened with a parade participated in by the four competing units, namely, the Blazing Wolves, which is a fusion of the College of Arts, Sciences and Education, College of Veterinary Medicine, and Institute of Agricultural Biosystems Engineering, the Aggies of the College of Agriculture. At the same time, the College of Technology and Management separated into two teams composed of the Department of Hospitality Management (the Butchers) and the Department of Technology (the Technobytes).

In the statement of the purpose, Prof. George A. Albaraccin, the Campus Sports and Wellness Director, emphasized the importance of sports and cultural events in the student’s life. He pointed out that it is vital for the holistic being of the students to develop camaraderie, friendship, and sportsmanship.

On the one hand, the campus director, Dr. Romeo C. Lepiten, delivered an inspirational message and reiterated the importance of friendship. He reminded the students that although this is a contest, they must always be friends even in the field of competition, therefore exercising camaraderie.

Aside from the games, various cultural competitions also lined up for the weeklong intramural games. The Mr. and Ms. CTU Barili, held on October 26, served as the event’s main highlight.

Moreover, Dr. Allan C. Mariñas, the University VP for Students Affairs Secretary, and Dr. Nemia F. Zamora, University Director for Sports and Wellness, graced the festivities on October 27, 2022.