CTU Barili conducts Bomb Threat Drill

The Cebu Technological University – Barili Campus successfully conducted a bomb threat drill today, December 2, 2024.

Participated by all employees and students, the campus administration’s significant move aims to raise awareness in responding to bomb incidents and to educate employees and students against malicious conduct regarding bomb threats.

The campus’ Assistant Director, Mr. George Albarracin, expressed the importance of the activity. ‘It is necessary and relevant to conduct a bomb threat drill or a simulation to protect and save properties and lives,’ said Mr. Albarracin. ‘The bomb threat drill is in connection with the CTU Memorandum for all campuses to conduct bomb threat drills or simulations for us to be aware and for us to be educated and to be informed and to be enlightened of the importance of how to treat incidence like this,’ Mr. Albarracin further emphasized.

In the absence of an alarm system on campus, the newly hired MIS Staff, Mr. Wendell Arnejo, developed an alarm app system to send alarm warnings to all employees. All employees were directed to download the app beforehand. When the alarm warning was sent, all employees facilitated communication with their students and immediately followed evacuation procedures.

The alarm app system is a new feat for CTU Barili in adopting new technologies to address communication in difficult situations.

During the drill, the ROTC medical team and the security roving guards played an important role. The Head of Security, Mr. Manolito Nacua, expressed the role of security personnel during the incident. ‘We are assigned to inform the students or our clients to take into shelter,’ said Mr. Nacua. The roving guards were assigned to inform the constituents, especially those in the canteen who did not receive alarm notifications.

The activity ended with a short information drive where all students and employees gathered at the campus’ covered court.