CTU Barili aids development of agri-tourism project

CTU-Barili partnered with the Campanga Alayon Multipurpose Cooperative (CAMPCO) through a GAA-funded extension project to promote agri-tourism activity.

The GAA-funded extension project titled Sustainable Practices Leading to Agri-ecological Systems for Holistic (SPLASH) Tourism in Mantayupan culminated on December 18, 2024, with fruitful discussions on several topics about agri-tourism.

Several project proponents from the College of Agriculture, Food Science, Agribusiness and Development Communication, and the College of Technology and Management joined the culminating activity with the CAMPCO General Manager, Mr. Rolando Jimenez, and other members.

During the discussion, Mr. Danny E. Carabio highlighted the role of CTU-Barili in guiding CAMPCO in their agri-tourism planning and site development plan. Dr. Ma. Leslie Basallo talked about sustainable tourism to show appreciation for the agri-tourism industry. She emphasized proper planning and identification of natural resources, particularly highlighting the natural resources in the community. To complement the previous discussions, Ms. Julibeth Albarracin highlighted the topic of community-based tourism and how involving the local people in tourism development impacts the tourism sector of local communities. In closing, Dr. Manolito D. Villarin wrapped up the discussion on Catering Management/Food and Beverage. He emphasized utilizing the cooperative’s resources to develop a menu from farm to table. He also reminded the attendees about the popularity versus profitability of food.

During the program, the project proponents emphasized CTU-Barili’s commitment to helping CAMPCO realize the agri-tourism project. Although the project has conducted its culminating activity, CTU-Barili will continue to open its doors to the cooperative.