Cebu Technological University – Barili

Programs & Initiatives


During the dry season, temperatures soar, as expected especially in Philippines, one of those countries which are located near the equator, where the sun rays directly hit. Cebu Technological University is taking part in a national cooperative energy-reduction program to help stabilize the power grid and prevent brownouts in the Cebu City area. This initiative benefits our climate by removing the need for more polluting “peaker” power plants and by supporting our communities to reduce the burden on our electricity system. As a major electricity customer, Cebu Technology University’s participation in these voluntary curtailments, including the actions of our faculties, non-academic employees, students, on-site Contractors/Suppliers working on CTU’s behalf, and visitors have a vital role in contribution to these goals.

On days of constraint, Cebu Technological University sends a notification to all faculty, non-academic employees, students, on-site Contractors/Suppliers working on CTU’s behalf, and visitors encouraging our campus community to take easy steps to conserve electrical energy.

In the first year of the initiative, notified faculty, non-academic employees, students, on-site Contractors/Suppliers working on CTU’s behalf, and visitors, made significant contributions to energy consumption, indicating our community-wide dedication to energy conservation and a sustainable university. Everyone must be responsible to use energy which is under their control efficiently.


The purpose of this policy is to define CTU’s approach in adequately managing its energy usage, leading to efficiency and conservation.


All faculty, staff, students, on-site Contractors/Suppliers working on CTU’s behalf, other non-academic employees, and visitors have a vital role to play in conserving energy. Everyone must be responsible to use energy which is under their control efficiently.


The Cebu Technological University (CTU), the Premier University is committed to undertaking an Energy Conservation Program through the following initiatives:

How can we help in Energy Conservation?

By strictly restricting usage of energy, we can help in energy efficiency and environmental protection. To make a meaningful contribution to the cause, university employees, students and visitors must bear in mind the following:

Recommendations from the result of the previous Energy Audit

At the end of the Fiscal Year, the following are the expected results:

Useful links for energy conservation for the university


“7 Ways Power your House with Renewable Energy”. (April 2, 2018). Retrieved April 29, 2020 from

“100 Ways to Save Electricity”. (April 05, 2019). Retrieved April 29, 2020 from

Alipe, Christin, “Why is so hot in the Philippines during summer?” (April 10, 2017). Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

ALSCO, “13 Energy Saving Ideas for A Sustainable Workplace”, (June 27, 2017), Greener Workplace. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

“Energy-saving tips for everyone”,(n.d) Retrieved April 28,2020 from

“Energy-saving tips for business”, (1996-2020). Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

Earth cupped on hands. Digital Image. Arroyo Insurance Services. (n.d). Retrieved April 28,2020from .com%2Faboutus%2F&psig=AOvVaw0litsJHtg50o9Jms_OOlWJ&ust=1588210 180087000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CACAIQjRxqFwoTCNjpp jOkCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

“How to save electricity at home”.(May 10, 2017). Retrieved April 29, 2020 from

“Planning for Home Renewable Energy Systems”. (n.d). Retrieved April 29, 2020 from electricity/planning-home-renewable-energy-systems

Ramirez, P. (2017). “Tips: Ways to save on electricity bills at home”. Retrieved April 29, 2020 from

“Six Simple Ways To Contribute Towards Energy Conservation”.(2010-2018). The Ponty Chadha Foundation. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

“Sustainability at Georgetown University”.(n.d). Georgetown University. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from Thapliyal, A. and Bennet, A. (2018).

“13 Things You Should Know About Energy Conservation”. Reader’s Digest. Retrieved April 29, 2020 from