Cebu Technological University – Barili

Programs & Initiatives

Water Conservation & Management Program


The world water supply is finite and limited. As the demand for water continues to increase, the pressing need to conserve water shall increase correspondingly to preserve freshwater supplies. Water management is one of the main elements of the overall drive of sustainable development.

Water may be a significant limited resource for human welfare and is renewable only if it is well managed. It plays a leading role in promoting the resilience of the environmental, social, and economic systems in the face of the fast and unpredictable changes. Sustainable water management can be considered as the reduction of water use through changes in user behavior, accompanied by the application of water efficiency technology.

Water bills reduced as an outcome of low water consumption can be beneficial to the institutions. However, the application of water sustainable systems in institutions is an excellent opportunity for educating students about the advantages of preserving our natural resources.

These systems lead to saving finances by not wasting water and help to instill an environmentally responsible attitude in the next generation. Water conservation represents a central portion of the increasingly important issue of sustainability. It will help students focus on social liability, which is one of the major elements of sustainable development.

Cebu Technological University is a premier university in Central Visayas, Philippines that uses a considerable amount of water daily proportionate with the institution’s increasing student population. Specifically, the water consumption of the university is mainly distributed through the following: toilets, drinking and taps, cafeteria, laboratories, outdoor playing areas, landscaping, and the on-going infrastructure development project of the institution. Hence, the institution is adapting a water conservation and management program to promote sustainable consumption and utilization of its potable water.


This program defines CTU’s approach in adequately managing its water usage, leading to efficiency and conservation. It shall serve the following purposes:

decrease the water and energy costs: Water efficiency reduces the institution’s water and energy costs, meaning that the institution can do more with the current institution budget;

build young leaders and provide learning opportunities: Water efficiency activities provide excellent leadership chances and practical learning activities for the students, plus occupational development for the faculty, employees, and the other constituents;

establish a strong institutional culture based on excellent communication and shared goals: Getting the whole institution to work together allows the institution’s leadership to share successes;

Raise the institution’s profile: When the institution participates in water efficiency activities, it relates to the community through partnerships and local networks. This is increasingly important for institution reputation as students, teachers, and parents look for approaches to combat climate change and other environmental issues facing our communities; and

Contribute to attaining a better environment through adopting water efficiency: A better and more sustainable planet will be built for the present time and for future generations.


Faculty, staff, students, on-site contractors/suppliers working on CTU’s behalf, other non-academic employees, and visitors have a vital role to play in conserving the water resource in the university. Everyone must be responsible to use water efficiently.


The Cebu Technological University is committed to implementing a Water Conservation and Management Program through the following initiatives:




During the construction process, enhance irrigation systems properly by setting up an automatic shut-off appliance on sprinkler systems when the rain falls. Make the best use of natural plants and preserve the landscape.

Local species are particularly suitable for this, as they adapt to rainfall conditions. Thus, grasses and trees that require minimal water will be used.

Using drip irrigation systems to irrigate plants and adding organic fertilizers or other alternative organic manure to the soil. This will help the soil retain water so that institutions will not have to consume the water continuously.

Install buried humidity sensors and connect them to watering timing devices to supply the roots with the appropriate quantity of water, and then turn off watering systems.



For toilets: Install modern flush toilets that will use less water in flushing;

For drinking fountains and taps: Place containers under institution water fountains and utilize excess water in the garden;

For gutters and rainwater tanks: Set up rainwater tanks to collect water to be used for gardening/ or flushing toilets. The gutters will be maintained by keeping them clear, so rainwater doesn’t overflow and does not make it to the collection system;

Gardens and ovals: Plant local drought-tolerant plants that are more suitable for the local climate understand the water efficiency of the oval irrigation system;

Irrigation system: Install moisture sensors that activate the irrigation system only when the garden needs it.


Daily water use: Turn off taps when not in use and consume only what is needed. Set out good systems and practices so that everyone thinks about the water they utilize each day.

Cleaning: Utilize a broom to sweep away leaves and dirt instead of washing pathways.

Gardening and Irrigation: A deeper and less frequent irrigation can be better than daily light irrigation.

Other institution users: If other people also utilize water, they need to be educated and encouraged to follow the water conservation and management program of the university.

Engage in the Community

Building relationships with parents, local businesses, and community groups can help achieve goals through care and hands-on support.

Keep going and teach outside the institution gates to have a more profound impact regarding water efficiency and literacy in the community.


Guidelines for CTU Water Conservation and Management for potable sustainable water consumption

(adopted from El-Nwsany et al. 2019 with some modifications)

Work along with the local water authority.

Discuss how the institution will conserve water and how to set realistic goals.

Induce the institution to promote water conservation among students, faculty, and employees.

Teach about water sustainability in the institution and how effective it is.

Get publications, posters, and activities that promote water conservation in the institution.

Evolve a water efficiency plan that translates opportunities into scheduled action.

Read meters monthly. Analyze water use over an institution year and terms.

Foster water conservation culture among staff, students, and parents

Create a log so that staff, students, and cleaners can report damaged or leaking devices and appliances and make sure there is someone responsible for fixing the leaks.

Hold institutions or community occasions that target water conservation actions and wastewater problems.

Teach about water sustainability in the institution and how effective it is.

Compare and discuss water utilization over the year, beginning with the start of the program of water conservation.

Publish banners, posters, and colorful signs to enhance water conservation.

View the progress on advertisement boards and screens throughout the institution.

Harvest and recycle rainwater.

Build a rainwater collection system for plant irrigation and various non-potable uses.

Create water-efficient irrigation methods

Set up an irrigation timeline for seasonal changes over the year.

Adjust the automatic shutdown appliance on the sprinkler systems when the rain falls.

Make certain all the hoses have shut-off nozzles.

Install systems of drip irrigation on trees, shrubs, and sapling in a place of sprinklers to save water.

Go ‘‘low flow”

Fixing low-flow water aerators or motion sensor faucets that will close automatically when not in use

Induce the institution to promote water conservation among students, faculty, and employees.

Introduction of water displacement devices, which have parallel packs or bottles in toilet tanks

Re-adjust the water flow meter or tank with the water-saving toilets to dispense one gallon per flush.

Substitute old latrines, showerheads, and taps with low-volume regulator and timers.

Minify water cooling and conditioning

Shutting the water-cooling systems, if not in use

Reducing cooling requirements by adjusting the air temperature regulator.

Repair leaks

The institution should regularly check for leakages as part of their maintenance schedule or as a main task of their water ‘team’.

One leaky toilet will waste quite 50 gallons of water every day.

A dripping regulator or showerhead will waste up to 1,000 gallons per week.

Observe the faucets and toilets within and outside the institution repeatedly.

Check for leaks and set dates for reporting and repair.

Utilize the logbook/register to see if there are unexpected water leakages after working hours.

The isolation valves can be utilized on water pipes to isolate leakage.

Use the institution landscaped plots to attain water efficiency

The institution should regularly check for leakages as part of their maintenance schedule or as a main task of their water ‘team’.

The institution should regularly check for leakages as part of their maintenance schedule or as a main task of their water ‘team’.

The institution should regularly check for leakages as part of their maintenance schedule or as a main task of their water ‘team’.

Reduce water used in food preparation

Exchange standard pre-rinsing spray valve with low flow models.

Promote the use of a dishwasher, as it uses 6 gallons while hand washing uses 3 gallons a minute.

Vacuum and sweep floors and walkways instead of using water when possible.

Repair running water issues

Check the areas around the institution for corrosion because of rain-runoff.

Utilize penetrating roofs for parking zone and other areas.

Teach about water sustainability in the institution and how effective it is.

Get publications, posters, and activities that promote water conservation in the institution.

Evolve a water efficiency plan that translates opportunities into scheduled action.

Read meters monthly. Analyze water use over an institution year and terms.


EL-NWSANY RI, MAAROUF I, ABD-EL-AAL W. (2019). Watershed management as a vital factor for sustainable institution. Alexandria Engineering J. (Elsevier). (2019) 58. 303–313.

L. COUNTRYMAN, et al.2007. Healthy Sustainable Institutions Guide for change, The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

DUGGIN, J., & REED, J. 2006. Sustainable water management in institutions, CIRIA, 2006.

C. PAHL-WOSTL ET AL, The importance of social learning & culture for sustainable water management, Ecol. Econ. 64 (3) (2008) 484–495.             THE BRENDLE GROUP, INC., with assistance from: The Institute for the Built Environment, Sustainable Design Guidelines for the construction of new facilities and the renovation of existing structures, Colorado, June 2005.

UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), Facility and Efficiency Improvements Concerning Water Conservation for a Healthy Institution Environment. USA, 2018. Available at: (Accessed 25.04.20).

Greyter Water Systems, The Benefits of Onsite Water Reuse Systems, 2017. Available at: water-reuse-systems/ (Accessed 25.04.20)