Cebu Technological University – Cebu City Mountain

Frequently Asked Questions

How many programs does the campus offer?
    • Bachelor of Elementary Education
    • Bachelor of Industrial Technology
    • Bachelor of  Science in Agriculture
What are the qualifications for enrolling in board courses?

The students must have a general average of 85 up, no grade below 85 on Math, Science and English

Do the students who have a grade of 85 and above can enroll in a Non-board course?

Yes, but students are advised to take first priority the board courses.

Is there any plan of adding new programs?

Yes, after applying COPC to CHED.

Is there a possibility of having a class at night?

Yes, after the program approval of the Vice-President of the Academic affairs.

Where is CTU-CCM located?

Sitio Maomawan, Barangay Babag, Cebu City

What does CTU-CCM mean?

Cebu Technological University-Cebu City Mountain

How did CTU-CCM become a satellite campus?

Under Republic Act 11185

Who is the father of RA 11185?

Congressman Rodrigo “Bebot” Abellanosa, Cebu City South District

How does the campus sustain salary and finances?

Through a National Budget

How many years does the campus exist?

Three (3) years as an Extension Campus, two (2) years as a satellite campus

Who is the Campus Director of CTU-CCM?

Dr. Patrobinson Moreno Salumag