Cebu Technological University – Cebu City Mountain


The Cebu Technological University (CTU) is geared towards supporting sustainability via impactful research, instruction, and extension. With several campuses all over Cebu, Philippines, it has maintained strong linkages with the Local Government Units (LGUs). Likewise, its internationalization program has been active in forming global partnerships.

Along with its initiatives, CTU has numerous centers to support its sustainability program which are as follows: the University Center for Education for Sustainable Development ( Argao and Main Campuses); Center for Internationalization and ASEAN Integration (Main Campus); Center for Climate Change (Argao Campus); Biodiversity, Environment and Natural Resources Research Center (Argao Campus); Institute for Water Resources (Mountain Extension Campus); Center for Biotechnology (Barili Campus); Center for Renewable Energy (Main Campus), Center for Sustainable Energy and Technology Management (Main Campus); Research and Development Center for Engineering Emerging Technologies (Main Campus); Integrated Coastal and Marine Resources Management Center (Main and Carmen Campuses); Center for Limnological Aquatic Biodiversity and Mariculture Studies (San Francisco Campus); and soon, the Center for Resiliency (Main Campus). The University has implemented several activities relevant to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its Community Extension arm and the Shared-Service Facility (SSF) Centers (mainly for the faculty). These initiatives are reflected in the Community Extension site of the University. On the other hand, the University Community Welfare Office , through the National Service Training Program (NSTP), conducts sustainability relevant activities for the students.

CTU has recently been recognized for its “Hablon de Cebu” initiative (local handweaving) for Government Best Practices for 2019. It was selected among the 156 entries from 95 government organizations in the Philippines. Hablon de Cebu also won the “Best Handicraft” award during the State Universities and Colleges (SUC) Expo in Manila, Philippines last March 2020 by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). This initiative was previously recognized by BPI Sinag Foundation in 2018 as one of the top micro enterprises in the Philippines. Hablon de Cebu is mainly led by the University Center for ESD and the Community Extension arm of the Argao Campus.