CTU has established linkages in five continents: Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, and South America since 2016. Lord willing, with Dr. Rhodora G. Magan’s leadership, as the newly appointed university director for Internationalization and ASEAN Integration, the global expansion can be materialized, giving students, staff and academics the appropriate mobility they deserve.

Vision: Leader in internationalization in the Philippines by 2050 and networked with ASEAN universities by 2035
Mission: Make CTU globally-linked for multidisciplinary-technological growth
Goal: Provide internationalization engagements to the University for local, national, regional (ASEAN) and global development.
1. Internationalized curriculum and quality assurance for globally competent education
2. Access to international opportunities for the underprivileged students
3. Relevant research collaboration for economic, environmental and sustainable development
4. Strengthened partnerships with foreign universities, industries, research centers, etc.
5. Effective and efficient management of resources in internationalization activities
Integrity. IAI follows ethical standards and transparency in its transactions.
Accuracy. IAI works through the processes accurately and efficiently.
Intercultural Openness. IAI seeks to understand various cultural perspectives among partners.
1. Facilitates development and implementation of policies and procedures for study abroad and exchange programs
2. Facilitates and acts as primary point-of-contact for approved visiting international groups
3. Clearinghouse for information on internationalization and ASEAN integration engagements
Key Priorities (2018-2022)
1. International Engagement and Mobility
1.1 Student Mobility. Mobility, through short or long term courses, degree mobility and credit mobility, and internships is reinforced. Existing scholarships, such as AIMS, SEMEO, UMAP, and USAID are widely disseminated are supported. Moreover, IAI may also provide funding for deserving students who could gain knowledge and skills through international education, internship, and other relevant efforts. Students could also participate in research fellowships and opportunities abroad
1. 2 Faculty/Staff/Researcher mobility: this includes (a) movement of faculty/staff to study in a foreign country; (b) faculty/staff exchanges between institutions located in different countries; (c) research fellowships/collaboration involving visits of scholars to country(ies) of collaborating institutions; (d) foreign language study; and (e) building international perspectives through conferences and networks involving travel of learners, faculty, or researchers.
Mobility of students, faculty, staff, and researchers shall be promoted by the CHED as integral to internationalization efforts. For this purpose, the CHED shall take proactive measures to address information, financial, academic and administrative barriers to academic mobility. Information barriers will be addressed through well-functioning, IT-based information systems on educational opportunities and qualified education providers. Mobilization of funds from internal and external sources in support of academic exchanges will be intensified, and better programming of these funds will be undertaken to support priority activities covered by internationalization initiatives. Academic barriers will be addressed through transparent and standardized mechanisms for recognition of academic qualifications and awards, and credit transfer schemes. Coordination among concerned agencies will be enhanced for greater efficiency.
1.3 Internationalization and ASEAN Festival. In August, a week-long activity pertaining to internationalization and ASEAN awareness should be done in CTU campuses as part of the ASEAN awareness program of the Philippine government. This activity is incorporated in the University’s Calendar of Activities. During this festival, an orientation on international programs and scholarship opportunities is given to faculty, staff and students.
1.4 Academic/Administrative Leaders’ International Immersion Program (ALIIP). This program is designed for those leaders in the academe and administration, such as campus directors and deans, chief administrative officers, academic chairpersons, chairpersons for Internationalization and ASEAN Integration, and the like, to go to other competitive universities for sharing of internationalization practices and for matching programs that may eventually build partnerships.
1.6 Policies and Committee on International Mobility. To ensure proper management of human and nonhuman resources, a committee evaluates who will travel abroad or take international opportunities.
1.7 International Memberships. CTU applies for international memberships, such as Washington Accord and ABET, Sydney Accord, Seoul Accord, Bologna Accord/Process, ASEAN University Network (AUN), ASEAN Qualifications Framework, Standards of Training Certification and Watch Keeping (STCW), ASEAN/Inter-Country Mobility of Students, and others.
2. Internationalization of Curriculum
The curricula need to be internationalized to cope with regional and global trends. Moreover, the emphasis on internationalization at home can be achieved through internationalization of curriculum. The following may be considered in the revision.
2.1 Foreign Language. The choice of the foreign language offered must be relevant to the students’ ‘international industries.
2.2 Joint Programs. To establish joint programs, curricula are matched with international partner universities.
2.3. Global Learning Outcomes. Learning outcomes must include international competencies that make students global citizens. This concept helps in internationalization at home.
2.4. Programs for International Students. To attract international students, new programs may be offered, such as medical programs. Also, putting short-term English language programs could aid in the enrollment of international students.
3. Research Collaboration
CTU faculty and students are provided opportunities to seek joint research with foreign faculty and students. Components that may form internationalization of research include: (1) a clear institutional policy; (2) related support systems and mechanisms; (3) international teaching and learning at the graduate level; (4) short-term mobility opportunities of scholars and doctoral students (visiting faculty); (5) an open policy for the appointment of international scholars and doctoral students (hired faculty and PhDs); (6) development and support of international research networks, partnerships and projects; and (7) development and support for the international dissemination of research.
4. Reputation Build-up
4.1 Marketing, design and publication. To increase visibility of CTU online, enhancement of branding, design and publication is done.
4.2 National Accreditation and World Ranking. National and international accreditation must be sought to improve ranking. This may be done through attaining highest State Universities and Colleges (SUC) level, Center of Excellence (COE) or Center of Development (COD) and others.
5. Centralization of Information
CTU has 23 campuses; therefore, dissemination of information and reporting of accomplishments are done through proper channels.
1. CTU is one of the 14 state universities and colleges granted 1.45 M by CHED, under the “Fostering World-class Philippine Universities” project for 2019 up to the present.
2. CTU is part of the consortium of 11 state universities and colleges (SUCs) granted 5 M by CHED for the establishment of an Innovation Laboratory for Global Education and Digital Citizenship (iLab).
3. Research fellowships/scholarships have been provided for CTU faculty in Taiwan, Thailand and Canada since 2018.
4. CTU was the only SUC among three Philippine universities to join the ERASMUS + FRIENDS Project, an initiative to support Internationalization at Home. CTU won the SWAG Design competition (a contest designed promote the project), outperforming some 30 Asian universities in 2019.
5. Following partnership made between CTU and the International University of Logistics and Transport (IULT) in Wroclow, Poland, former Vice President for Academic Affairs Victor Villaganas and OIC Director for IAI Ronald Galindo had gone to IULT on October 6 through 10, 2018 and July 24 through 29, 2019, respectively, for ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME. As a response, IULT International Cooperation manager Honorata Dudek-Frysiak visited CTU and conducted a series of trainings.
6. CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr., after being nominated to be one of the four delegates in the Philippines by CHED, was provided support in his attendance to the 2019 ASEAN LEADERS PROGRAMME in Singapore and in Thailand.
7. CTU received the CHED Recognition Award for Training Program for Internationalization of Higher Education on December 17, 2018.
8. CTU Main student Richard Mark Anay was chosen as one of the 6 Philippine representatives for the Youth Model ASEAN Conference (SRE-YMAC) 2018 in Singapore Polytechnic from September 23 through 27. Other participants came from 10 ASEAN countries, China, Japan, and South Korea.
9. CTU Main professors lectured in Ethiopia’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute (TVETI) for 1 year (March 2017 to March 2018). They were Dr. Pedro Y. Quemada and Dr. Paterno C. Fernandez for automotive technology, Dr. Joecyn Archival for electrical engineering, Dr. Gerwine J. Medio for civil technology, and Dr. Paul K. Zabala for electronics and communication.
10. English Program engaged Taiwanese and Chinese students in 2018.
11. CTU was selected as one of the 15 Philippine universities to undergo a Strategic Internationalization Training Program in Canada. CTU IAI director became one of the mentors in internationalization for the universities of the Philippines. “Internationalization Training Program: Canadian Experience Phase” from June 25 to July 20 in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto, Canada was awarded to CTU IAI director in 2017.)
12.The Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) Region VII recognized CTU as the only state university to participate in the internationalization training in Canada in July of 2017.
13. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized CTU IAI director in February of 2018 for completing the Internationalization Strategic Planning of Philippine Higher Education in Canada in 2017.