CTU DaanBantayan Feed Backing, Consolation, and Actual Classroom Observation 2022

The Cebu Technological University Daanbantayan Campus, notably the College of Education Department, visit its Practice Student Teachers in the Bantayan Campus. 


The department is headed by the College of Education Chair of Student Teaching, Professor Braulio M. Diongson, supported by the Assistant Campus Director, Campus Dean of Instruction, Professor Felixberto T. Lucabon Jr., with the key officials of the college sail to the island to visit the twenty-eight (2) Practice Student Teachers (PSTs) in various National High school in Santa Fe, Bantayan, and Madridejos.  


The two (2) days of observation were the best act of the college personnel head by the College Dean, Dr. Vivian M. Arreglo, to show love and compassion to the PSTs. 


The various schools are Madredijos National High School, Sillion Integrated School, Oboob Integrated School, Bantayan National High School, Patao National High School and Sulangaan Integrated School. With the full support and aid of the principals of mentioned schools, the experiences of the PSTs are mostly fulfilled during this time. The warm welcome and the acceptance of the students are meaningful in their journey of success to become real licensed teachers in the future. 


There were consultations, too, led by Professor Diongson so the College of Education can allow discovering what the client wants, along with possible solutions, and achieve the perfect result for students in teaching.


Furthermore, an actual Classroom Observation was conducted by the CTU DaanBantayan College of Education fellow teachers and administrators by the Chair of Mathematics, and the Chair of BEED to provide teachers with constructive critical feedback to improve their classroom management and instructional techniques.


The opportunity made on the island carved the heart of the school heads that the CTU Daanbantayan College of Education has a big heart in moulding and making the student teachers more than they expected to become. Moreover, prepare them to excel during their time of board examination for Professional teachers. 




NIKKITHEA BEDUYA / ICPA CTU DB, Bantayan, San Remigio, & Tabogon