Allemar Jhone P. Delima


Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima

Current Academic Rank: Instructor I

Campus: Barili Campus

Designation: Research Coordinator

Department and College: Department of Information and Communications Technology / College of Engineering and Technology Management


Research Interest(s):

  • Data Mining
  • Algorithms


  • Doctorate degree(s) or equivalent: Doctor in Information Technology
  • Masteral degree(s) or equivalent: Master in Information Technology
  • Bachelor degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • Other Degree(s): None

Awards/ Recognition Received:

  • Best in Paper Presentation: 2019 1st International Research Conference in Computer, Electronics and Controll Engineering (RCCECE2019) El Cielito Hotel, Sta Rosa City, Laguna, Philippines

Professional Affiliations/ Membership:

  1. Asian Academic Association in Research & Management (AAARM), Inc.
  2. Asian Intellect for Academic Organization & Development, Inc.
  3. Asian Qualitative Research Association
  4. Association of Scholarly Editors (ASE)
  5. Association of Scholarly Peer Reviewers (ASPR)
  6. Association of Education Researchers and Trainers (ASSERT)
  7. Computing Society of the Philippines (CSP)
  8. Global Researchers’ Association and Convergence for Excellence (GRACE), Inc.
  9. Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines (ICpEP)
  10. Operations Research Society of the Philippines (ORSP)
  11. Philippine Association of Institutions for Research, Inc. (PAIR)
  12. Philippine Association of Researchers and Statistical Software Users (PARSSU)
  13. Philippine Computer Society (PCS)
  14. Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS)
  15. Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (PhilAAST)
  16. Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators (PSITE)
  17. Philippine Schools, Universities and Colleges Computer Education and Systems Society (PSUCCESS)
  18. Quantum Cognizance Researchers Conglomerate (QCRC), Inc.

Current Project(s) grant(s) if any:

  1. N/A

Other links (please copy): (ORCID; google scholar; research gate)

  1. Researchgate:
  2. Scopus:
  3. Google Scholar:
  4. ORCID:

List of Publication in APA format (if any, please use additional sheets if necessary):

  1. Delima, A. J. P. (2020). An Enhanced K-Nearest Neighbor Predictive Model through Metaheuristic Optimization. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(1), 72–80.
  2. Delima, A. J. P. (2019d). Application of Time Series Analysis in Projecting Philippines’ Electric Consumption. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 9(5), 694–699.
  3. Delima, A. J. P., & Francisco, V. C. (2019). Rank-based Variable Minimization Using Clustering Algorithm. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 9(5), 575–580.
  4. Delima, A. J. P. (2019b). Applying Data Mining Techniques in Predicting Index and non-Index Crimes. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 9(4), 533–538.
  5. Delima, A. J. P. (2019c). Predicting Scholarship Grants Using Data Mining Techniques. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 9(4), 513–519.
  6. Delima, A. J. P., Sison, A. M., & Medina, R. P. (2019a). A Modified Genetic Algorithm with a New Crossover Mating Scheme. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 7(2), 165–181.
  7. Delima, A. J. P. (2019a). An Experimental Comparison of Hybrid Modified Genetic Algorithm-based Prediction Models. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 1756–1760
  8. Delima, A. J. P., & Lumintac, M. T. Q. (2019). Application of Time Series Analysis for Philippines’ Inflation Prediction. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 1761–1765
  9. Delima, A. J. P., Sison, A. M., & Medina, R. P. (2019). Variable Reduction-based Prediction through Modified Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(5), 356–363.
  10. Cagas, U. O., Delima, A. J. P., & Toledo, T. L. (2019). PreFIC : Predictability of Faculty Instructional Performance through Hybrid Prediction Model. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(7), 22–25