Edwin A. Pilapil


Edwin A. Pilapil

Current Academic Rank: Professor VI

Campus: Main Campus

Designation: Vice President for Academic Affairs

Department and College: Languages, Literature and Communication Department, College of Arts and Sciences

Email: pilapiledwin@yahoo.com.ph

Research Interest(s):

  • Languages and Literature studies
  • pedagogies
  • Leadership and Education


  • Doctorate degree(s) or equivalent: Doctor of Education – English Language Teaching
  • Masteral degree(s) or equivalent: Master of Arts in Education – Major in English
  • Bachelor degree(s): BS in Elementary Education – Major in English
  • Other Degree(s): None

Awards/ Recognition Received:

  • Award of Distinction (Garbo sa CNU 2018)
  • Outstanding Faculty (Campus Praise-Tap 2017)
  • Outstanding Faculty (University Praise-Tap 2017)
  • Presidential Citation Award (University Praise-Tap 2017)

Professional Affiliations/ Membership:

  1. Philippine Association of Graduate Educators (PAGE 7)
  2. BOD and Auditor, Member of State University and College Teacher Educators Association (SUCTEA)
  3. Philippine Association for Teachers Educators (PAFTE)
  4. Member of Speech Communication Organization of the Philippines (SCOP)
  5. Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP)

Current Project(s) grant(s) if any:

  1. N/A

Other links (please copy): (ORCID; google scholar; research gate)

  1. https://www.researchgrate.net/profile/Edwin Pilapil
  2. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Zh0Rpb0AAAAJ&hl=en

List of Publication in APA format (if any, please use additional sheets if necessary):

  1. Bernardos, SC; Ocampo, L; Zamora, NF; Pilapil, EA. 2020. Can the Bonding Social Capital Be Used To Mitigate the impact of Natural Hazards?: The Case of a Flood-Prone Suburban Community in the Philippines, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development11(3). In press. SCOPUS. SSCI
  2. Pilapil, Edwin et. al (2018). Purposive Communication. Manila, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House.
  3. Pilapil, Edwin et. al (2017). Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. Manila, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House.
  4. Bernados, Simeon C. Jr.; Pilapil, Edwin A.; Zamora, Nemia F. (2016) Utilization of the Participatory Approach in the Assessment of Student Academic Performance. International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 21,8, ver. 3.
  5. Pilapil, Edwin et. al (2015). Worl Literature. Manila, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House.
  6. Pilapil, Edwin et. al (2013). Writing Prowess Across the Disciplines. Manila, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House.
  7. Pilapil, Edwin et. al (2012). Power Study and Thinking. Manila, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House.