Cebu Technological University – Malabuyoc



Research Centers

The Campus Research and Development covers basic, applied and developmental fields in engineering and technology, fisheries, forestry, agriculture and natural resources, arts, sciences and humanities, health sciences, and education.

A multidisciplinary approach is highly encouraged. Research thrusts shall be aligned to the rural and urban development in consonance with the priorities of the Philippine Government, including Department of Science and Technology, Commission on Higher Education, Department of Agriculture, Department of Tourism, and Department of Energy, and international organizations, including United Nations, World Health Organizations and OIE.

With this, the campus aims to increase efficiency and quality of research outputs as well as digitizing records and online communication to make it more accessible to other researchers. The research department also aims to develop and implement sustainable energy innovation for the province of Cebu through partnership on industries and help promote Social Development Goals for the communities in making a sustainable community.

Research Grants

List of research grants to the university.

University Shared Facilities

List of all shared facilities in the university.

List of research-related news.