CTU generally aims to reduce pollution and its material wastes produced by its day-to-day operations
and to manage its waste to lessen harm to the environment. The program is geared towards making its
endeavours environment friendly.
These policies apply to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, temporary workers in CTU (e.g., construction
workers), and concessionaires. Campus Directors shall be mainly responsible for ensuring compliance
with these policies on their respective campuses.
General Policies:
1. No smoking in any part of the university, except in designated areas by the administration.
2. Only duly registered (updated) vehicles are allowed to enter the campus area to ensure that
these are regularly tested for smoke emission levels.
3. The respective campuses shall conduct an annual briefing of faculty, staff, and students on
waste management and the environment.
4. Wastes must be segregated at all times. All classrooms, offices, and concessionaire areas must
have designated bins placed in strategic areas. These bins are labeled with the following (with
pictures if necessary) as deemed applicable:
- Recyclable
- Biodegradable
- Residual waste
- Special/Hazardous waste
Offices may designate specific types of waste as deemed necessary (e.g., used papers with only
one side that is printed and can be re-used as scratch papers).
5. Waste shall be regularly collected. Those in the bins shall be collected every other day by the
assigned janitors and gathered for sorting in a designated area inside the campus. These
gathered waste shall be collected by the garbage collector (normally provided by the local
government) at least once a week. For the recyclable materials, the respective campus may
contact an accredited materials recovery facility if it doesn’t have any. For campuses with an
agriculture program offering, the concerned college shall assist the composting process of the
biodegradable waste. For special/hazardous waste, its collection shall be outsourced to an
accredited third-party.
6. All practices in the university must be geared towards waste reduction. This shall include the
- Use of reusable or biodegradable items (bags, straws, drinking bottles, containers)
- Discouraging the single-use items (plastic straws, bags, styrofoam containers) when
applicable (paper straws may be used if necessary) - Avoidance of products in non-recyclable or non-biodegradable packaging
7. Signs on “No Littering” messages on waste reduction and segregation shall be placed in visible
8. The burning of wastes is strictly prohibited.
9. Recycling of materials must be maximized.
10. Damaged equipment shall be evaluated to determine its repairability, recycling for spare parts,
or proper disposal.
11. Faculty, staff and students are highly encouraged to bring their own reusable eating or drinking
12. Planting of trees and plants in the university is highly encouraged for cleaner air.
13. Respective campus administration shall practice “Green purchasing” whenever applicable.