Cebu Technological University – Research

In The News

Research in the University

CTU's research multi-disciplinary areas highlighting basic, applied, and developmental fields in engineering and technology, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, and natural resources, arts, sciences and humanities, health sciences, and education. Research thrusts shall be aligned to the rural and urban development in consonance with the priorities of the Philippine Government, including the Department of Science and Technology, Commission on Higher Education, Department of Agriculture, Department of Tourism, and Department of Energy, and international organizations, including United Nations, World Health Organizations and OIE-World Organisation for Animal Health.

Research Agenda

The Cebu Technological University research programs support the generation, dissemination, diffusion, and promotion of multi-disciplinary and appropriate agriculture, fishery, forestry and natural resources, trade and industrial technologies, basic services, and education, engineering, arts, and social sciences to uplift the general well-being of the people. The following priority agenda are identified for the following satellite campuses:

Research Funding

Research projects in the University conducted by faculty members or student(s) are supported by internal, external, or personal funds. Internally-funded research projects are supported by the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA) and the central Special Trust Fund (STF). While externally-funded research projects are those supported by external funding agencies and institutions, including but not limited to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Commission of Higher Education (CHED), Department of Agriculture (DA), United Nations (UN), Department of Tourism (DOT), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), among others.

Research Offices

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University Director for Research and Development (UDRD)

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University Grants Administration (UGAO)


University Knowledge, Innovation and Technology Support and Transfer Office (KITSTO)

Research Centers


Biodiversity, Environment and Natural Resource Center (BENRC)


Center for Climate Change (CCC)


Center for Communication and Media Research (CCMR)



Food Innovation Laboratory Section


Limnology and Marine Studies


Plant Biochemistry Laboratory

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