RD officials represent CTU in CLAARRDEC

Dr. Ryan Urbano (left) and Dr. Ybanez (right) during the congress
(Photo from Dr. Urbano)

Representing the Cebu Technological University were Vice President for Research and Development Dr. Adrian Ybanez and University Director for Gender and Development Dr. Ryan Urbano.

This research congress was held in the Research Extension and Training (RET) Amphitheater of the CLSU located in Nueva Ecija on November 13 – 15, 2019.

Dr. Urbano said, “The National Gender and Development Research Congress was an eye-opener for me. The different research presentations testify to the rich and diverse areas where one can explore research in gender and development.”

Moreover, Dr. Urbano, also added, “Interestingly, some of the researchers were men who saw the urgent need to promote gender and equality and eliminate gender bias.”

Central Luzon State University (CLSU) hosted the National Gender and Development Research Congress of the Central Luzon Agriculture Aquatic and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CLAARRDEC).
