CTU-CAS faculty members convene for student-teacher mentoring

Cebu Technological University faculty members of the Department of English, Literary Studies, and Filipino participate in a webinar on mentoring practice teachers on the 28th of March 2022 via zoom from 9 AM-12 NN.

The webinar aims to provide information and sharing on mentoring in the new normal, establishing protocols and requirements, mentoring process/stages, evaluating practice teachers and providing feedback pursuant to CAS Memorandum No. CASD-26 series of 2022 as released by the CAS Dean, Dr Sunliegh Gador.

Prof. Nemia Zamora, the BAF Internship Coordinator, graced the webinar with the brilliant speakers Dr Fitzgerald Kintanar, Dean COEd (CTU-Argao Campus), and Dr Zarmie Lis Briones, Dean COEd (CTU-Tuburan Campus).

Dr Kintanar presented the spirit of mentoring in teaching internships amid the pandemic, teaching internship orientation program, and DepEd distance learning modalities vis-à-vis learning continuity plan gender and development.

“Two things of a mentor’s gift is first to make a connection and then use that connection to have a transparent relationship with our mind, heart, and spirit,” Dr Kintanar on the mentoring spirit in teacher education.

Moreover, Dr Briones shared insights on pre-service teacher preparedness, covering professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement.

The presentation also outlined what it means to be a MENTOR: to Manage, Encourage, Nurture STs’ innate qualities, Train for competence, and is Responsible-driven.

An informative webinar on practice teacher mentoring helped guide the teacher mentors in providing quality mentorship to respond positively to the distinctive challenge of our time.

Mentors rekindle the fire of future educators.

Words by Divine Grace Umadlao / BS DevCom Intern