CTU College Of Engineering trained the out-of-school youth in Biasong Talisay

The Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering department conducted basic electrical wiring and plumbing for the out-of-school youth of Biasong Talisay last August 2021.

The training spearheaded by expert Engr. Aian Rey Caladcad, Chairman in ME Department with Engr. Ferdinand Batayola faculty staff pursued to impart their knowledge despite the pandemic.

With the active barangay captain of Biasong Talisay, Captain Reynaldo Bass, he supported the out-of-school youth who wanted to learn: nine in basic electrical wiring and four in basic plumbing.

After the five months of training where the beneficiaries have already gained the knowledge they could use in the future journey of their lives upon the evaluation of the beneficiary’s capability, they conducted graduation happened last March 15, 2022

In the presents of the College of Engineering Dean and Associate Dean, Dr Ronald Galindo and Dr Jun-Jun A. Obiso, with other training experts of the other department, Engr. Gilbert Silagpo, Engr. Rafran de Villa and Engr. Joel Tadle

The training was made possible through the efforts of CTU-main extension director Engr. Maria Ellen Aparente and Industrial Engineering coordinator Engr Teresita Capin. 

Words by Gilbert Silagpo / CTU-Main