The faculty qualified for the NBC 461 Cycle 8 Faculty Evaluation Promotion has the reasons to be happy and excited. Those faculty hired between the cut-off period of June 2016 up to June 2019 qualify for the NBC 461 8th Cycle and are directed to prepare the necessary documents guided by the old NBC evaluation instrument.
Based on CTU Memo PB02-047 s. 2022, dated Feb. 2, 2022, and in preparation for Cycle 8, the Campus Directors are to create two AD HOC Committees namely, the Local Committee on Document Assistance and Validation (LCDAV), consisting of three regular faculty members and the Local Committee on Points Evaluation (LCPE) for CCE and QCE consisting of the Campus Director, the Faculty President and one Professor or Associate Professor level faculty. As University Director for the DAV, Dr Eugene A. Ermac coordinates and monitors the activities of the LCDAV.
The evaluation process shall be done online through the Flexible Evaluation System (FES). Likewise, the Office of the Vice-President for Research and Development (OVPRD) acts as the Ad Hoc Office to repository NBC related documents.
The whole month of February 2022 is for document gathering, validation, and scanning. Professorial mentoring happens from Feb. to March 2022. Meanwhile, Mar. 1-15 is for uploading the documents to the FES and Local Evaluation; Mar. 16-30 is the University Level Evaluation.
To all those CTU qualified faculty, good luck and congratulations in advance./Maria Salud M. Delos Santos, CTU Main.