Daanbantayan Campus Strategic Planning Workshop and Budget Hearing 2022

(From left-right) Mrs Sofia M. Montana, Administrative Officer IV ug HRMO Designate; Mrs Ma. Cresencia S. Compuesto, Registrar II; Dr Ruben M. Ungui, Campus Director; Dr Adrian Ybanez, Vice-President, Research and Development; Mrs Liwanag P. Coyoca, Guidance Counselor III with CTU-Daanbantayan faculty

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”  – James Clear

Last March 16-18, 2022, at Yello Hotel, CTU Daanbantayan campus, the extension campuses: CTU Bantayan, CTU San Remegio, and CTU Tabogon held their Campus Strategic Planning Workshop and Budget Hearing. 

With the guidance of the university Vice President for the Research and Department, Dr Adrian Ybañez, CTU Daanbantayan personnel gradually adapted to a system they willingly accepted and incorporated. 

The university personnel were delighted as they were enlightened while Dr Ybañez scaffolded them in forming their operational plans. 

It was such a very informative and substantial Strategic Planning Workshop for every attendee who had acquired both knowledge and wisdom on adequately doing the strategic planning. 

Dr Ybañez emphasized that Harmony and Unity among the stakeholders, teaching and non-teaching involved in planning and implementing play a significant role in realizing the said operational plan. Those are some crucial components that must be present in a system to implement the plan.

Moreover, the budget hearing was also successfully done. All were more attentive because of the eagerness to understand how much the allocated budget is in each department. 

It was a serious discussion. Furthermore, fortunately, everyone seemed satisfied with the said forum. 

As indicated by the campus director, Dr Ruben Ungui, “Just like in a family, there is always allocated budget for every part of the house such as house bills, electric bills, grocery, etc. He explained that “It is the same in a university or school. We plan and allocate budget for every department.”

In the three-day workshop, we all learned that in realizing a goal, one must create a system, be consistent with the system, and see how successful the result is. 

It is also like planting a seed first and then harvesting the excellent fruit it produces in time. Also, these participants enjoyed the brainstorming, and they were very grateful for the patience and generosity of our VPRD, Dr Adrian Ybañez. / Llanabelle Lanohan – CTU-Tabogon