The Future Science and Technology Leaders of the Philippines (FSTLP) organized a Tree Planting Ceremony with its theme “Save The Planet, let us make our school and our world a greener place” on May 6, 2022, at Cebu Technological University Daanbantayan Campus.
The said event is part of community extension programs, headed by Dr. Nikkithea L. Beduya, FSTLP Adviser, and the proactive officers assisted by some faculties and job orders.
With the collaboration of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Daanbantayan office, the FSTLP officers got the samplings for free. The group chose mahogany (Swietenia) because DENR’s preferred seedling species is mahogany. It is the most planted tree in the National Greening Program in 2010 and 2011.
The planting started in earnest at 3:00 p.m. The organization planted eight (8) Mahogany seedlings and eight (8) Jackfruit during the project period.
The goal of the Tree Planting Activity is to create public awareness about the need to plant and save trees, convey concern for the environment, and mitigate the negative consequences of climate change. This tree-planting program also serves as a teaching opportunity for Science and Technology student leaders to become more interested in environmental issues and natural resource protection.