The Presidents of the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) – 7, NBC 461 Focal Persons, and IT personnel of various State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) across the region assembled concerning NBC 461 8TH cycle held at CTU Main Campus on June 3, 2022.
The event was headed by Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta, CTU president, PASUC-7 Regional Chairman; Dr. Joselita B. Gutierrez, President of Cebu Normal University; Dr. Joel P. Limson, President of Negros Oriental University; and Dr. Maura Consolacion D. Cristobal, OIC-President of Bohol Island State University and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) 7 Regional Director.
Dr. Adrian P. Ybanez, Vice President for Research and Development and the CTU NBC 461 Focal Person, welcomes the officials and the participants from different SUCs.
Subsequently, Dr Ancheta gave his message, “I am very much honoured to have you here to address relevant matters and analyzed probables issues and concerns for the uniformed implementation of the 8th evaluation cycle of NBC 461 and to guide us towards this uploadable goal.”
Thereafter, Dr. Rodin M. Paspasan, NBC 461 Zonal Center Director Region 7, led an open discussion on reiterating and clarifying the NBC 8th cycle guidelines and other concerns.
Furthermore, Prof. Johannes Camasura, University Director for Automation, Innovation, and Computing, discussed and presented the NBC 461 Flexible Evaluation System of CTU.
The assembly concluded where the PASUC-7 Presidents, Focal Persons and IT personnel of various SUCs in the region commended the CTU NBC 461 Flexible Evaluation System, which will serve as a positive development that could help lessen the human errors in the evaluation process.
Words by Almie Mata / CCM