Cave bats and their habitats in Nug-as and Mt. Lantoy Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), Cebu, Philippines

Author: Steve Michael t. Alcazar, Rithcie U Nuevo, Edgardo P. Lillo, Archiebald Baltazar B. Malaki, Roberto C. Cutillar, Arnaldo B. Almirante, June Rey A. Villegas and Gilbert C. Bejec

Date published: 2016

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Electronic Waste Awareness and Management in the Municipality of Tuburan, Cebu, Philippines

Author: Naomi A. Bajao, Mario Pepino, Noel Celeste, Jae-an Sarucam, Helen B. Brigoli, Pedrito Pontillas

Date published: 01/04/2016

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How to cite: Asendiente-Bajao, N., Pepino, M., Celeste, N., Sarucam, J. A., C Brigoli, H., & Pontillas, P. C. (2015). Electronic Waste Awareness and Management in the Municipality of Tuburan, Cebu, Philippines. Tropical Technology Journal, 19(1), 1-5.