Cebu Technological University – Research

Facilities and Services

Center for Studies in Biotechnology (BIOTECH)


Plant Biochemistry Laboratory

The Plant Biochemistry Laboratory focuses on research studies related to the enhancement of secondary metabolites and other phytochemicals in plants; plant biochemical processes for increased productivity; studies on anatomical characteristics and improvement of plant quality micro-propagation; and studies on plant adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress. Essential crops like dragon fruit, chili, and guava were studied and exposed to a chemical mutagen to examine its morphological effect. Orchid embryo rescue was also performed inside the laboratory.

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Natural Bio-resources and Molecular Studies Laboratory

This section focuses on studies related to microbe resources and their utilization and plant resources for crop protection. Specifically, it deals on microbial meta-genomics; bioremediation of contaminated soil and water; molecular identification and bioinformatics of biological control agents of crop pests (nematodes, fungi, and bacteria); bioactive compounds and nanoparticles, enzymes and probiotics; biochemical and molecular characterization of indigenous as source of antimicrobial compounds, natural insecticides/herbicides; and priming of host plant resistance to crop pests.

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Food and Feed Technology Laboratory

This section's major thrust is on the development of functional food products and utilization of local and indigenous sources for feeds. The specific focus is on the analysis of nutrient content improvement in food sources; enhancement of micronutrient contents in food; improvement in feed processing technology; and enhancement of nutritional value of local feed sources. Rice bean, Turmeric and Corn, all known for their beneficial components, were widely used in utilization for food and feed.

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Bioscience Engineering Systems Technology

Also known as BEST laboratory, focus on research thrusts related to the adoption of engineering science to agriculture and environment; studies on water, solid wastes and energy for sustainable agriculture and food production; studies on the utilization and management of resources to enhance human health; and studies on biological and environmental sensing technology for plant and animal adaptation (light, air, humidity, temperature, etc.)

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Socio-economic and Development Studies

The Socio-economic and Development Studies section emphasizes studies related to social and ethical standpoints on biotechnology; socio-economic assessment and analysis of biotechnological innovations; and rural development studies and extension activities in the application of biotechnology. This is also the section under the center that supervises the extension projects related to biotechnology.

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Biotechnology (Biotech) Conference Hall

The Biotechnology (Biotech) Conference Hall with a 120 sitting capacity conference room is appropriate for events such as seminars, conferences, and training.

This room will be open for the following schedule of fees:

Whole day including an evening with audio and visual facilities (up to 11 PM only) – PHP. 3,500.00.

The whole day at (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) with audio and visual facilities – PhP. 2, 500.00.

In a whole day (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) without audiovisual facilities – Php. 2,000.00.

Half day use (8:00 AM – 12:00 noon) or (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM) with audio - visual – Php. 1,500.00

Half-day without audiovisual – Php. 1,000.00.

One to two hours lecture for classes and University-related functions such as orientation and consultative meeting with prospect project collaborators/partners – is free with prior approved request and arrangements.

College-related functions, including those conducted by college-based student organizations, shall be given a discounted rate with prior request and arrangements.

Whole day including an evening with audiovisual facilities (up to 11 PM only) - PHP. 500.00.

The whole day at (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) with audiovisual facilities – PHP. 300. 00.

In a whole day (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) without audiovisual facilities – PHP. 100. 00.

Half-day use – is free of charge.

The Center Management will only provide for the Audiovisual, tables, and seat arrangements. Linens/skirting and stage preparations shall be the responsibility of the user/occupant. Users shall be given 2-3 hours of preparation time a day before the event.


Biotechnology (Biotech) Mini-Hostel and Cafeteria

he Biotechnology (Biotech) Mini-hostel is composed of three (3) mini-hostel rooms and two (2) dorm-type rooms with an accommodation capacity of 15 to 25 people.

Its occupancy is open to anybody but should prioritize the researchers conducting studies at the Center Laboratories.

Accommodation facility shall be available on the following schedule of fees:

Mini-Hostel Rooms (3) – Php 500.00/person/bed/day x 2 persons in a room = PhP. 1,000.00 per day.

Dormitory type Rooms (2) with four double beds – PHP. 300.00/person/day (full room occupancy discounted to PhP. 2,000.00).

Extra beddings will cost PhP. 200.00.

The dormitory occupants may request or make arrangements should they want to be served with breakfast.


Conduct of Biotechnology Researches

CTU through the Center for Studies in Biotechnology conducts and caters researches related to biotechnology and is in line with the targets and priorities of the university.

Biochemical analysis

Biochemical analysis services provided by the Center for Studies in Biotechnology namely: qualitative secondary metabolites assay and microbial properties (endospore, Gram classification, etc.).

DNA extraction and PCR analysis

CTU accepts services through the Center for Studies in Biotechnology, related to DNA extraction, PCR analysis, immunoassays (ELISA, Bradford and Lowry protein assays).

Conduct of trainings and lectures

Trainings and seminars are conducted at the Biotech conference room. In addition, CTU also conducts field extension trainings and lectures, and onsite seminars.

Venue for seminar/workshop and functions.

The Biotech conference room and cafeteria can be rented for workshops. In addition, the facility is equipped with air conditioning, projectors, sound speakers, tables, and chairs.

Food services

The Biotech Cafeteria offers food services and reservations for seminars and trainings.


CTU Form for Research Proposal

CTU Form for Extension Proposal

RD Manual

Extension Services Manual

Biotech Reservation form (for Conference and Hostel Use)

EPN Manual and Brochure