Cebu Technological University – Research


Center for Climate Change (CCC)



2018 to date

Flora and Fauna Assessment Using Permanent Biodiversity Monitoring System (PBMS) in Cebu island key Biodiversity Areas (KBA’s) – This is the first research project funded by the Department of Science and Technology- Grant-In-Aid (DOST-GIA) Program.


Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Mangroves in Camotes, Island, Cebu, Philippines - This is the second research project funded by the Department of Science and Technology- Grant-In-Aid (DOST-GIA) Program.


Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Seagrasses in Camotes, Island, Cebu, Philippines - This is the third research project funded by the Department of Science and Technology- Grant-In-Aid (DOST-GIA) Program.


How do Human Activities Contribute Climate Change on Rice Production in Argao, Cebu. A General Appropriation Act (GAA) funded research project and it was already completed last year.


Rice Growers Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Climate Change Impacts on Rice Production in Argao, Cebu, Philippines. A GAA funded research project for this year.


Possible Adaptation Strategies to reduce the Impacts of Climate Change on Rice Production in Argao, Cebu. A GAA funded research project for this year.


Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Action to Climate Change Awareness on Rice Fields in Argao, Cebu, Philippines. A GAA funded research project for this year.


Current Practices of Rice Growers in Argao for Possible Identification of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies. A GAA funded research project for this year.


Macro-invertebrates as Bio-indicators of Water Quality in Tubod River Minganilla, Cebu. A GAA funded research project for this year.