Dr. Archiebald Baltazar B. Malaki is the RDE Center Director for Climate Change and a University Professor of the College of Forestry and Agriculture, Cebu Technological University, Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines.
He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry from the Visayas State College of Agriculture, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. He finished his Master’s Degree in Environmental Studies at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Lahug, Cebu City. He further pursued and finished his Ph.D. in Environmental Science in the School of Environmental Science and Management (SESAM), University of the Philippines in Los Baños (UPLB) College, Laguna.
A graduate of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna in 2016. Dr. Alcazar obtained his Master’s Degree in Environmental Management at the University of the Southern Philippines in 2011. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry at Cebu Technological University, Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines.
Serving 28 years in the government service as a full-fledged professor in the Cebu State College of Science and Technology (now Cebu Technological University) Argao Campus.
Dr. Edgardo P. Lillo
Center Director, University Research, Development and Extension Center (RDE)
Dr. Edgardo P. Lillo is a Professor IV in the College of Forestry at Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines. He was chosen to participate in Flora and Fauna Assessment using Permanent Biodiversity Monitoring System (PBMS) in Cebu Island Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) as a Project Staff of CTU-DOST-NICER funded by the DOST-Grant-In-Aid under the Science-4-Change Program of the Department of Science and Technology.
He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry at the Visayas State College of Agriculture (now Visayas State University) Baybay, Leyte. He also finished his Master’s Degree in Forestry at the same University. He continued his Ph.D. degree in Philosophy at Cebu State College of Science and Technology-Main Campus, Cebu City last 2007. Last 2017, he finished his doctorate of Philosophy in Forestry at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) Laguna.
A Graduate of Master of Science in Forestry at the Visayas State University Visca, Baybay City Leyte 2020. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines.
He is a Registered Forester. At present, Forester Pantinople is connected with CTU- DOST- NICER Projects and a Part-Time Instructor in the College of Forestry at Cebu Technological University Argao Campus.
Forester Bernardo B. Redoblado finished his Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines.
In 2015, he worked as a Science Research Assistant for the Environment and Research Development Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Central Visayas (DENR VII). Currently, he is working as a Science Research Assistant for the CTU-DOST-NICER Projects. He is also a Part-Time Instructor in the College of Forestry at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus.
Forester John Lou B. Diaz graduated Bachelor of Science in Forestry last 2018 from the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines. He took and passed his Foresters Licensure Examination last September 2019.
He is working under the CTU-DOST-NICER project entitled “Flora and Fauna Assessment Using Permanent Biodiversity Monitoring System (PBMS) in Cebu Island Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) for almost three years now. Currently, he is taking up his Master of Science in Forestry at the Visayas State University, Baybay Leyte.
Forester Neri Fretz P. Paglinawan
Research Assistant, Forestry Department Research Project
Forester Neri Fretz P. Paglinawan got his Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines last 2018. He passed the Foresters Licensure Examination in the same year.
He worked as a Science Research Assistant for the project Biodiversity Assessment in Key Biodiversity Areas of Central Visayas. He also worked as a Field Researcher/Enumerator for the University of the Philippines–Center for Policy and Executive Development (CPED) of the National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG). He is currently working as Research Assistant for the Forestry Department Project.
Forester Carreon obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry last 2019 at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines. She passed the Licensure Examination for Foresters last September 2019.
She is working as a Herbarium Specialist for the CTU-DOST-NICER Project.
Forester Glory Grace G. Gealon is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Forestry last 2018 at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines. She took and passed her Foresters Licensure Examination last September 2018.
She is working under the CTU-DOST-NICER project entitled “Flora and Fauna Assessment Using Permanent Biodiversity Monitoring System (PBMS) in Cebu Island Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) for almost three years now. Currently, she is taking up her Diploma in Professional Education at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus.
Mr. Eduard P. Lillo is currently studying at the Cebu Technological University Argao Campus taking up Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology. He is currently working as a Nursery Aide under the CTU-DOST-NICER Project.
Forester Kristel May C. Flores graduated last 2019 with a Degree in Forestry. She passed the Forester Licensure Examination in the same year.
She worked as a Project Research Assistant for the newly discovered Cebu Mistletoe (Lepeostegeres cebuensis). She is now working as a Clerk for the Climate Change Center of Cebu Technological University Argao Campus, Cebu Philippines.
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