Cebu Technological University – Research

About Us

Center for Sustainable Education and Innovation (CSEI)


A Leading Partner in defining the future of research for sustainable education and innovation in Visayas and among HEIs in ASEAN region and beyond.


To generate, preserve, disseminate, and apply knowledge and skills established in the framework of sustainability through education and innovation.


To assist CTU in its pursuit for quality and excellence through its involvement in quality assurance activities such as SUC Levelling, AACCUP Accreditation, ISO Audits and others in the context of sustainable education and innovation.

To facilitate the integration and implementation of technology enhanced education and assist in building open distance earning internal capabilities.

To estabilsh an avenue for researchers to conduct relevant multi-disciplinary research, development and extension activities and generate research publications conducted in the center.

To conduct institutional or collaborative funded studies of sustainability in business practices and management.

To conduct funded studies related to integration of sustainability in education and/or innovation in institutional level and collaborative approach.

To act as the reservoir for best practice thinking and knowledge generated in research and instruction relevant to sustainable education and innovation.

To disseminate knowledge and skills through presentations and journal or development publications.


To provide 100% assistance to CTU in its pursuit for quality and excellence through its involvement in quality assurance activities such as SUC Levelling, AACCUP Accreditation, ISO Audits and others in the context of sustainable education and innovation.

To facilitate the 100% integration and implementation of technology enhanced education and assist in building open distance learning internal capabilities.

To establish a 100% fully functional with state of the art technology avenue for researchers to conduct relevant multi-disciplinary research, development and extension activities and generate research publications conducted in the center.

To produce at least two (2) institutional or collaborative funded research outputs including IT assets relevant to sustainable innovation in business or government practices and management.

To produce at least two (2) institutional or collaborative-funded research outputs relevant to sustainable education.

To act fully (100%) as the reservoir for best practice thinking and knowledge generated in research and instruction relevant to sustainable educational and innovation.

To submit to international indexed OR CHED RECOGNIZED journal or conference at least one (1) completed research for presentations and/or publications.