Cebu Technological University – Research

About Us

Center for Sustainable and Precision Agriculture (CSPA)

The Center for Sustainable and Precision Agriculture (CSPA) is still under approval for the Board of Regents (BOR) to be operational. Initially, the proposal of such a research center is an act of answering the Local Government Units (LGU) call in providing scientific-based technologies to the farmers (especially on coffee) of Tuburan, Cebu, that would improve their production. Considering the Center's holistic impact on the farming community, the proposal was amended to widen its scope of the area. The ‘sustainable’ part of the center will encompass the creation of research-driven technologies that can improve farming systems and profitability while protecting the environment. Moreover, the ‘precision’ part of the center focuses on the accuracy and timely application of the generated technologies to ensure site-specific solutions and proper management of local resources relative to sustainable farming. The direction of the LGU and the Department of Agriculture (DA) towards organic agriculture for sustainable food production strongly supports this Center's establishment.


To be the leading research center for sustainable and precision agriculture in Central Visayas.


To engage in a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary research undertaking in sustainable and precision farming, which could impact the present and future generations' needs for its products and services while ensuring profitability, environmental health, efficient resource management, and social and economic equity.


To establish a Center that is equipped with the latest technology in the conduct of research related to sustainable and precision agriculture. Such Center leads to increased scientific publication, strengthened faculty expertise, acceptance to multiple grants, improved farmers’ profit, protects the environment, produces safe food for consumption and efficient resource management using the accurate and site-specific farming approach.


To establish a research center that will mainly focus on sustainable (organic) and precision agriculture and its related sciences/ disciplines;

To provide an avenue for researchers to conduct relevant multi-disciplinary research, development, and extension activities and request for external funding related to the Center;

To strengthen the agriculture program offered in the CTU-system (particularly in Tuburan Campus and across other agricultural campuses);

To form and/or strengthen local, national, and international research collaborations and linkages related to the Center;

To mentor institutional, local or regional researchers on Center-related technology;

To generate research publications and publicize outputs of research activities conducted in the Center;

To extend relevant research outputs conducted in the Center to the local and regional organic agriculture farmers;

To create an avenue for innovating products out of organic produce or waste by-products as an income-generating program for the Center's sustainability.