Cebu Technological University – Research



University Vice President for Research and Development Office (UVPRDO)

Spearhead the setting of plans, agenda and priorities of the University R&D;

Lead in establishing research linkages;

Spearhead the publication and intellectual property rights protection of university research and development outputs;

Coordinate all research activities to be in consonance with local, regional, national, and international priority areas;

Evaluate research proposals towards recommending funding from the University or agencies and institutions;

Establish an information scheme e.g. directory of researchers;

Establish strong linkages with other public and private, domestic and foreign research agencies and organizations;

Recommend and manage the publication of creditable researches of the faculty and staff in the University research journal;

Recommend and assist in obtaining appropriate incentives or awards (e.g. cash award and recognition) for outstanding research;

Recommend outstanding researches for recognition by the University and other organizations or agencies;

Conduct periodic evaluation, at least quarterly, of the research program of the University;

Recommend worthwhile researches for presentation in national and international for a wider dissemination of research output;

Coordinate, monitor and appraise the performance of the various research groups of the University including those of the research centers established in the University and other affiliate research agencies



University Knowledge, Innovation and Technology Support and Transfer Office (KITSTO)

Patent search (infringement/FTO);

Patent search (patentability and other  searches) ;

Search analytics report;

Patent drafting (descriptions/claims/abstract); 

Patent filing (invention/utility model/geographic indications/layout  designs for integrated circuits);

Industrial design filing;

Copyright filing;

Trademark/service mark filing;

Response to official actions;

Utilization of ITSO search facilities and  information library (patent search/analytics report);

IP management services;

IP skills training courses (IP   awareness/patent drafting/patent  search trainings, one-on-one   coaching).



University Technology Business, Incubation and Development Office (TBIDO)

Incubation Program (3-6 months training depending on the  Incubatee’s/Client’s needs)   

Modular Course  Offerings:

Business Plan

Marketing Plan

 Operational Plan

 Financial Plan

Management Plan

Financial Statement Preparation

Product Costing and Pricing

Product Inventory Management

Project Feasibility Study

Research and Development – Ideation to Project Proposal

Technology Transfer and Commercialization

Product Packaging and Labeling

Digital marketing

Strategic Management

Business Research

Marketing Research

Technopreneurship 101


Social Entrepreneurship

Intellectual Property

Legal  Documents  Preparation (Business permits, DTI, BIR, etc,)


Biodiversity, Environment and Natural Resource Center (BENRC)

Food Innovation Laboratory Section

Formulation and optimization of food products innovated through research and development

Sensory evaluation

Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity Laboratory Section

Rotary vaporization extraction of plant extracts

Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity analyses

Phytochemical screening

Proximate analysis

Physico-chemical analyses

Biology Laboratory Section

Microbial analyses

Microbial culture

Museum Section

Showcase collection of flora and fauna in biodiversity areas

Identification and certification of flora samples


Center for Limnological, Aquatic Biodiversity and Mariculture Studies (CLABMS)

Species Taxonomic Classification (aquatic flora and fauna)

Species Biodiversity Assessment as Basis for Policy Making

Aquatic Biodiversity Profiling

Research Technical Assistance

Center for Studies in Biotechnology (BIOTECH)

Conduct of Biotechnology Researches

Biochemical analysis

DNA extraction and PCR analysis

Conduct trainings and lectures

Venue for seminar/workshop and functions

Food services

Educational Research and Resource Center (ERRC)

Teaching Aides


Patent Drafting Services

Data Analysis

Institute for Molecular Parasitology and Vector-borne Diseases (IMPVBD)

Farm Consultancy;


DNA Extraction from animal blood samples; and

Polymerase Chain Reaction.