Cebu Technological University – Research


Office of the Scientific Publications



Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima

University Director for Scientific Publications

Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima currently works at Cebu Technological University (CTU) as the University Director for Scientific Publications. He is also the Graduate School Director of CTU-Barili Campus. He obtained his Doctor in Information Technology (DIT) degree at the Technological Institute of the Philippines-Quezon City in 2019. He finished his teacher certificate curriculum (TCC) program in 2017 and received his masters degree in information technology in 2016 and bachelor of science degree in information technology in 2014 from Surigao State College of Technology (SSCT). His research interest is in Data Mining. To date, he has presented several research papers in various international conferences. He has also published several research papers in indexed international journals. In addition, he is an active technical reviewer of several Scopus-indexed international journals


Mae S. Sabayton

Project Development Assistant/Documentation Staff

Mae S. Sabayton is a Project Development Assistant and an English as a Second Language Teacher.

She has a Masters of Arts in Vocational Education and a BS Education major in TLE, specialized in Business Technology (2019).

She is currently working on a publication on Technology Business Incubation.