Cebu Technological University – San Francisco

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request my TOR, Diploma, Certification and other academic records?

All requests are transacted online.

Go to the link to access the online request:

What is/are the turnaround time, requirements and fees in the issuance of academic records?
Processing of documentsLead timesRequirementsFees
CAVSeven (7) working daysCertified copy of TOR and Diploma/Certificate or Certified copy of TOR and certification of earned units40.00 and 30.00 for Documentary Stamp Tax (DST)
CertificationThree (3) working daysClearance if it is the first request40.00 and 30.00 for Documentary Stamp Tax (DST)
Certified CopyThree (3) working daysOriginal and photocopy of the document40.00 per document
Diploma/CertificateSeven (7) working daysClearance if it is the first requestUndergraduate programs=200 (+50 for succeeding issuance) Graduate programs=300 (+50 for succeeding issuance) 30.00 -DST
Transcript of RecordsSeven (7) working daysClearance if it is the  first request and if  for transfer purposes 2x2 picture with a white background or in academic gown50.00/page -local purposes 75.00/page-international purposes 30.00 -DST
How do I pay for my requested student records?

You may pay at the cashier’s office upon claiming the document.

How do I apply for graduation?

All applications for graduation are transacted online.

Go to the link to access the online application for graduation: