CTU-Tabogon Extension student leaders hold its 3rd Joint Meeting

“Alone, we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”— Hellen Keller.

Last October 4, 2022, the Supreme Student Government, FSTLP Officers, and all the class mayors from each section held its third joint meeting at CTU Tabogon Extension Campus’ Audio-Visual Room (AVR). The meeting started at exactly 1 p.m. with the following agenda: a) Election of officers for the Association of Class Mayors; b) Finalization of the Acquaintance Party for the A.Y. 2022-2023; and c) Updates on the Purchase of I.D. Slings. 

For the first agendum, a successful election was done for the Association of Class Mayors. Listed below are the following officers:

Association of Class Mayors

• President: Lee Irish Empleo

• V-President: Maria Gladys Taneo

• Secretary: Jessa Arnoco

• Treasurer: Jesusa Lobitaña 

• Auditor: Janice Ytang

• PIOs: Mariel Montebon & Richard Sususco

For the second agendum, the finalization of the Acquaintance Party (A.Y. 2022-2023) was tackled by Prof. Oneal Yongco. There is no final date yet, but things such as theme, motif, and venue set-up, among others, were being discussed. As agreed by all class mayors, the theme will be “Shimmering Glitters” or any clothing that will shine on that night. The motif will be white, black, yellow (gold), or red. Dinner at the venue will include a mocktail and pika-pika food. The venue set-up will have shimmering decorations to complement its theme. There will be a presentation by section/department as the highlight. Also, Awarding and Giving of Certificates will be conducted. After the event, everyone must be responsible for the aftercare in coordination with the Zoning and Working Committee to be assigned to every section by our beloved SSG President, Mr. Ericson Matic. All the class mayors also agreed on distribution for that event. 

The third and last agendum was the update for I.D. Slings.

Indeed, it was a successful joint meeting spearheaded by SSG Officers. 

Words by Llanabell Lanohan