Cebu Technological University – Tabuelan

About Us

The Municipality of Tabuelan used to be a barangay of Tuburan until the 1950s, and also was Tuburan's largest Barangay at the time. In fact, all of its constituent barangays were once a barrio of the Barangay Tabuelan. In 1953, Tabuelan was separated via a Philippine Law from its mother municipality of Tuburan, on the grounds that Barangay Tabuelan is far from the administrative center of Tuburan (Poblacion Tuburan) and hence, it was not able to properly maintain and address the needs of the people in that barangay. Tuburan opposed such partition but when the law was upheld, it humbly gave way and followed the mandate of the law to avoid economic repercussions. Hence, being formally established as a full-fledged Municipality in 1953, makes Tabuelan, the newest and youngest municipality in Cebu Island.

The Municipality of Tabuelan is a 4th class municipality in the province of Cebu. According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 25,630 people. It is bordered to the north by the town of San Remigio, to the west is the Tañon Strait, to the east are the towns of Borbon and Sogod, and to the south is the town of Tuburan.

Resolution No. 101, Series of 2017, “A Resolution Authorizing the SUC President IV, Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta, Jr. to Negotiate the Terms and Conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Local Government Unit of Tabuelan, 4th District of the Province of Cebu Pertaining to the Possible Establishment of the CTU Extension Campus in the Municipality of Tabuelan” was approved during Special Board Meeting held on December 14, 2017 at the Hotel Essencia, #39 Real Street., Cor., San Juan Street, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental.

A Memorandum of Agreement was signed by Hon. Benhur L. Salimbangon, District Representative, DR. Rosein A. Ancheta, Jr., University President, and Hon. Rex Casiano T. Gerona, Municipal Mayor, defines the establishment of an extension campus in Tabuelan, and the responsibilities of the parties. The operation of this extension campus is effective in the academic year 2018-2019.

Cebu Technological University (CTU) Tuburan being the nearest satellite campus is given the responsibility by the University President to supervise and monitor the operation of CTU Tabuelan as an extension campus.


The University’s Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives.

Presents the organizational structure of the Campus.

A short introduction of the Campus Director.

List of all the Offices in the Campus with their contact information.

A general overview of Cebu Technological University Tabuelan’s Campus History from its establishment as a university up to the present.