Crossing borders: Faculty aids Ethiopians

Faculty members of the College of Technology (COT) and College of Engineering (COE) have started counting the days until they  see the job done of helping Ethiopian professors improve on their teaching techniques in automotive technology, electrical engineering, civil  technology Read more

Stabilizing first quarter with more MOAs signed

This year’s first quarter for Cebu Technological University gains stability as partnerships with international institutions were made, providing more educational agenda to be worked on in the next few months. Country University/Industry Persons Involved Date 1. Australia Morton College Faculty Read more

Ethiopia’s TVETI seeks experts’ help

“We chose CTU because it is a technological university where experts in technical skills abound,” said  Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute (TVETI)  Deputy Director for Academics Prof. Teshale Berecha Yadessa. Currently,  TVETI has only two doctorate degree holders Read more