CTU Argao academic hopes to explore Greece’s garment industry in September

While exchange students and faculty are working their way to Canada, Taiwan, and Malaysia, CTU Argao academic is looking forward to an exciting ERASMUS-backed job shadowing in Greece this September. Cebu-based partner Global Initiative for Exchange and Development, Inc. (GIED) Read more

Vietnam listens to Hablon advocate talking tradition-oriented industry 4.0

“Hablon sa Cebu is a very tangible example of innovation… with appropriate and non-invasive technologies to adapt to changing landscapes without compromising cultural values,” CTU Director for Extension Services Jorelyn Concepcion shared to Internationalization and ASEAN Integration Office, in a Read more

Hablon de Cebu weaves SDGs into new culture

Handloom  weaving seems to have lost touch with the community in the passage of time, but where sustainable development goals continue to be advocated for  by Cebu Technological University, the craft would always have a major significance in Argao’s way Read more