Declaration signed: CTU president on 4IR trajectory with nation’s top universities

CTU President Rosein Ancheta Jr.’s succinct campaign to embrace 4th industrial revolution (4IR) for education reform  was  made clear in the declaration that reflected 25 signatures  of university leaders who attended the  Universities 4.0: Ushering a New Age of Enlightenment event on Read more

CTU to lead PH universities in industry 4.0

“We are in a vuca (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world,” CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. described, at the press conference on ‘Universities 4.0’  last week, just how crucial is the present era thus requiring CTU’s clear direction forward Read more

Songho link breeds industry 4.0 capability for CTU

Korea’s Songho (SC)  gifted Cebu Technological University(CTU) Main the  Smart City Research Center following  MOU signing on Wednesday, January 30. Having attracted myriad societies worldwide, the Smart City concept hinges on internet of things (IOT), which basically makes human activities Read more