Trimmed down to 7: Singapore CDIO experts to train engineering faculty

A series of CDIO (Conceive Design Implement Operate) activities in Singapore will be rolled out to aid professional engineers in establishing better plans toward  making engineering institutions in the Philippines much ready to face market demands. After a series of Read more

CDIO Framework—the way up

Recently topping the Civil Engineering Licensure Examination, Cebu Technological University has to prove more if  staying on top is the paramount concern. Aiding the goal is  PASUC President Ricardo Rotoras who wanted CTU to take the 3-day training on Conceive Design Implement Operate Read more

Stabilizing first quarter with more MOAs signed

This year’s first quarter for Cebu Technological University gains stability as partnerships with international institutions were made, providing more educational agenda to be worked on in the next few months. Country University/Industry Persons Involved Date 1. Australia Morton College Faculty Read more