Transportation Policies

Faculty, staff, students and visitors who are traveling on Official Business or for University-sponsored off-campus trips or events are expected to follow the standard procedures. As a part of the approval process, those who will use university transportation will be required to affirm that they understand and agree to abide by the expectations of official business travels. The transportation policies mentioned herein are designed for the health and safety of all CTU members and for environmental sustainability.

      • CTU will strive to ensure efficiency of usage of university vehicles and parking spaces.
      • Only university related engagements can be allowed to use university vehicles.
      • Schedule for use of university vehicles must be arranged ahead of time with the concerned office managing the university vehicle(s). Corresponding trip tickets must be processed.
      • As much as possible, Official Business travels that will require university vehicles must be coordinated so as to pool the users and save fuel.
      • Renting of external vehicles for Official Business may be allowed provided that the university vehicles are unavailable, or is unable to transport faculty, students or visitors due to high number of passengers.
      • Only vehicles that are duly registered or acknowledged by the University will be allowed to enter the university premises to discourage crowding and use of individual vehicles.
      • CTU encourages the use of public transport and car-pooling of students and its employees to and from the university.
      • Driving of personal vehicles on Official Business purposes is discouraged. For those with RATA (representation and travel allowance), fuel expenses for such travel shall be charged to it.
      • Parking of vehicles inside the university must be in designated areas only.