Research And Benchmarking Activity In The National Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology Research (Biotec), Thailand

n the 4th of April 2019, a clutch of Cebu Technological University (CTU) representatives flew to Bangkok, Thailand to benchmark research advances and high-technology research facilities and best practices of Thailand’s leading research center and top-ranked universities.  The two-day research activity was realized through the invitation of Dr. Somvong Tragoonrung, the executive director of the National Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research (BIOTEC). The delegation, composed of select faculty from each CTU campus, was also joined by DOST Representative Engr. Tristan L. Abando.

The first day of the undertaking commenced at Thailand Science Park wherein the delegation was warmly received by Dr. Kriengkrai Mosaleeyanon, Lead of Innovative Herbal Plant Factory Research Team. Following the welcome, the team proceeded to visit and benchmark in one of Thailand’s best universities, the Asian Institute of Technology where they were amazed and awed at the world-class facilities such as their fully fortified library and research department. Following the visit to AIT, the delegation then headed to Thamasat University for a campus visit and benchmarking activity. Indeed, it was a productive Day 1 wherein the faculty had sought ideas for them to improve and apply to raise the bar of CTU.

Day 2 of the activity, solely dedicated to benchmark BIOTEC, formally embarked through a short opening program. CTU and BIOTEC presented each of their respective overviews and were then followed by a fruitful discussion for collaboration in research undertakings. BIOTEC presented possibilities for an alliance for research that are timely and relevant which CTU willingly agreed on. The later half of the benchmarking activity was spent in the facilities tour of Enzyme Technology Research Team, Biocontrol Technology Research Team, Thailand Bioresearch Center, Food Biotechnology Research Team and Plant Factory. 

Opportunely, it was indeed a rich endeavor; hence BIOTEC expressed its intent of renewing its trust with CTU, even expanding the terms of the partnership. One of the terms includes allowing CTU researchers to use their research facilities and opening up and offering more training and scholarship for CTU faculty. Truly, BIOTEC and CTU’s partnership is mutually advantageous and could be the path to raise the bar of excellence./Jleian Mard M. Loseñara