Keeping abreast with the university’s commitment to excellence, the CTU Management Information Systems (MIS) heads and personnel came together for the 2nd quarter meeting hosted by Tuburan Campus last June 8-10, 2022.
University Director for Automation, Innovation, and Computing, Prof. Johannes M. Camasura, led the team to a three-day huddle where they discussed the MIS staffing aligned with NBC 589, implementation of the SMART Campus project, and other topics relevant to MIS operations.
The meeting started on Wednesday, June 8, with the group agreeing on the MIS organizational structure, job descriptions aligned with the newly released Revised Organization and Staffing Standards (NBC 589) and the formulation of the CTU IT Handbook, as well as the drafting of the DICT, endorsed Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP).
The second day, June 9, kicked off early with system updates and concerns raised by the different campus MIS chairpersons. The group then discussed SMART Campus project implementation and preparations for External Quality Audit and capped the day with initial discussions on the Sophos Certification Guidelines.
The three-day meeting concluded with a close-to-nature discussion, at the Molobolo Spring, on the updates on Google Workspace, Student Information System (SIS), and requirements for compliance with Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
The meeting was wrapped up with the MIS heads of the ten satellite campuses taking the Sophos XG Firewall Administrator Certification examination that lasted towards the late afternoon, putting into paper the qualifications of the team handling the university ICT services operations.
Words by (nbajao)