Project SEWING Launched at Home of Love

The extension project, SEWING – Serving and Empowering Women to be INdependent Garment-makers, was officially launched on December 1, 2024. SEWING, an initiative spearheaded by CebuTech Tuburan College of Technology, aspires to empower women and houseparents by equipping them with skills in garment-making, such as sewing. Making the project nobler is its goal to empower thirteen (13) sheltered women and houseparents of the Home of Love in Bagasawe, Tuburan.

The opening program of project SEWING took place in Home of Love in Bagasawe, Tuburan, on the afternoon of December 1, 2024. Project Leader Dr. Arliezl Mancio warmly welcomed the beneficiaries, guests, and attendees.

College of Technology (COT) Faculty Member Mr. Ledein Pesiao presented the statement of purpose while Mrs. Vicel Albaño introduced the trainers. Meanwhile, personnel from the shelter gave a brief introduction of the beneficiaries. 

Campus Director Dr. Ma. Carla Abaquita emphasized the importance of dedicated involvement and offered inspiring words to ensure the success of the extension project. Engr. Alden Gabuya closed the opening program with his words of appreciation and gratitude. Mr. Jhon Lloyd Diamada, a Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) student majoring in Garments Technology, facilitated the program flow as the master of ceremony.

Sr. Nimfa A. Abing, MQHM, the Home of Love’s executive director, expressed gratitude and inspiration for committed involvement to ensure the success of the extension project.

CebuTech Tuburan aims to lead extension projects that empower the community and foster its development.