Cebu Technological University – Tuburan

Research Centers

Center for Sustainable and Precision Agriculture (CSPA)

Center Director: Kent Marcial L. Catubis, MSc

The Center for Sustainable and Precision Agriculture (CSPA) is still under approval for the Board of Regents (BOR) to be operational. Initially, the proposal of such a research center is an act of answering the Local Government Unit's (LGU) call in providing scientific-based technologies to the farmers (especially on coffee) of Tuburan, Cebu, that would improve their production. Considering the Center's holistic impact on the farming community, the proposal was amended to widen its scope of area. The ‘sustainable’ part of the center will encompass the creation of research-driven technologies that can improve farming systems and profitability while protecting the environment. Moreover, ‘precision’ part of the center focuses on the accuracy and timely application of the generated technologies to ensure site-specific solutions and proper management of local resources relative to sustainable farming. The direction of the LGU and the Department of Agriculture (DA) towards organic agriculture for sustainable food production strongly supports this Center's establishment.

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