Wilson M. Sayaboc


Wilson M. Sayaboc

Current Academic Rank: Assistant Professor IV

Campus: Main Campus

Designation: University Director for Instructional Delivery, Monitoring and Evaluation

Department and College: College of Arts and Sciences

Email: wilsonsayaboc612@gmail.com

Research Interest(s):

  • Literary Discourse Analysis, Dramatic Textuality, Syntactic Linearity, Morphemic Variation, Cultural Studies


  • Doctorate degree(s) or equivalent: Doctor of Arts in Literarture and Communication, Doctor of Philosophy in English Language
  • Masteral degree(s) or equivalent: Master of Arts in Literature
  • Bachelor degree(s): Bachelor of Arts in English
  • Other Degree(s): NONE

Awards/ Recognition Received:

  • 2018 Presidential Citation Award

Professional Affiliations/ Membership:


Current Project(s) grant(s) if any:

  1. N/A

Other links (please copy): (ORCID; google scholar; research gate)

  1. N/A

List of Publication in APA format (if any, please use additional sheets if necessary):

  1. Fragility of Time. KINI. Journal on Creative Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 7, Jan-Dec 2009. ISSN 16555546
  2. Manuy. KINI. Journal on Creative Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 7, Jan-Dec 2009 ISSN 16555546
  3. Saring. KINI. Journal on Creative Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol.7, Jan-Dec 2009. ISSN 16555546
  4. Co-Author of World Literatures: New Texts, New Voices, New Perspectives by Edwin A. Pilapil, Rhodora G. Magan, Wilson M. Sayaboc, Lynnette Matea S. Camello. Published by Mutya Publishing House Inc., Philippine Copyright 2015
  5. Oscars Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan: Dramaturgy and Realities. MENS SANA Journal of College of ARts and Sciences of USPF: Vol. 9, No. 1. June-March 2018 ISSN 2449-450X
  6. Morphemic Variations of Cebuano Visayan Content Words: Cebu City and Malabuyuk Speech Communities. Phillipine Association of Graduate Education Region 7. Multidisciplinary Research Journal: Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016, ISSN 1656-2658
  7. Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey Into Night: A Formalistic Critique. KINI: Journal of Arts and Sciences Vol. 9, January-June 2016. ISSN 16555546
  8. Eugene O’Neill’s Psyche in Long Day’s Journey Into Night. KINI: An Interdisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 8, January-December 2015 ISSN 16555546