Yvonne P. Elizalde
Current Academic Rank: Instructor I
Campus: Barili Campus
Designation: None
Department and College: Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, College of Engineering, Technology and Management
Email: yvonnepolinar@yahoo.com
Research Interest(s):
- Agricultural and Bio-Processing
- Postharvest Quality and Technology
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Food Engineering
- Doctorate degree(s) or equivalent: Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering (On-going)
- Masteral degree(s) or equivalent: Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering
- Bachelor degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering
- Other Degree(s): None
Awards/ Recognition Received:
- DOST-ERDT Scholarship for 2020-2022 for the Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering at the University of the Philippines – Los Banos
- DOST-ERDT Scholarship for 2011-2013 for the Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering at the University of the Philippines – Los Banos
Professional Affiliations/ Membership:
Current Project(s) grant(s) if any:
- N/A
Other links (please copy): (ORCID; google scholar; research gate)
- N/A
List of Publication in APA format (if any, please use additional sheets if necessary):
- Polinar, Y.Q., K. F. Yaptenco, E. K. Peralta and J. U. Agravante. 2019. Near-infrared spectroscopy for non-destructive prediction of maturity and eating quality of ‘carabao’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit. CIGR Journal. Vol. 21, No. 1 p.209.